The Daily Crust

In the days of yore, the daily crust meant survival. On nutritional par with gruel, these chunks of stale bread offered the minimum sustenance peasants could consume and still live to toil another day in the satanic mills. In the 21st century, exploding waistlines and exponential chin growth bear witness that the lack of food for the body is seldom an issue. Instead, a spectre is haunting the world: sustenance for the mind is needed. Through the use of cartoons and commentaries about current events, Honest Anarchist hopes to provide the minimum amount of Daily Crust for a starving body politik.

the duplicitous U.S. foreign policy regarding Taiwan (blog)

Since January, 1979 the official stated U.S. policy is that Taiwan is not a sovereign nation but is part of the People's Republic of China proper (The PRC, which is the sovereign). And yet the United States not only sent an aircraft carrier group to Taiwan's defense against China during the Clinton administration, the U.S. continues to sell weapons to Taiwan despite the objections by China. The U.S. State Department even admits "the [Taiwanese] military's primary purpose is the defense against the PRC."

Distilled, this means that although Taiwan is part of China, the U.S. will spend lives and treasure defending Taiwan should the U.S.-recognized mother-country invade its own territory.

Does this mean Taiwan will come to the aid of California when the state is invaded by Obama's so-called Justice Department during his efforts to eradicate medical marijuana?

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